Cultural Diversity for Families & Carers

About the campaign & details of support provided

The Celebrating Diversity in Aged Care campaign aims to raise awareness and address the issue of discrimination of the aged care sector workforce.

This national campaign will raise awareness of this issue and provide support for individuals who feel discriminated against, while supporting providers to tackle this issue.

creating tools and resources to upskill the current workforces’ capabilities to provide culturally diverse supports, create support and tools for people who feel discriminated against

aims to raise awareness and address the issue of discrimination of the aged care sector workforce.

This national campaign will raise awareness of this issue and provide support for individuals who feel discriminated against, while supporting providers to tackle this issue.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is……

What is the impact of discrimination in aged care?

The impact is……

How to identify discrimination and avoid it

It is identified by…

Frondit Care

This project is proudly funded by The Fronditha Foundation.